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8 231048 76 646 726474 28 894545 50580 569 871449 800947 548 70415 23682 508 461 7364307141. 43 1944, 55661 894 56 7287339, 955 440988, 391 964975 0658 1 9446689 306984 696 458 0130680 16 593 01869 8178 5228 37655 73 0587 51 534 04161. 6 66642 30 627 79864378, 8573 36572 43472307 12, 8206002 30923 60020860467 4733 473 12180 4718414936 307 737391915 8661 239 57855965 26121798 939 152 26 426 94832182. ''337 83656235 09 5924027 3503 29357 6901290 4622 6467 067849814061 854 3133 64226208 69 348 6309873 442032. 132 5711 3626 7705 347210’ 10 3144,'' 7826 69 423 44152 6126294. 20094539 1726 8322366 5085 9133 51 38645 630 64934 8123058605, 890 3. 9. 9441974505 155732 83. 7841 4449 816639119565 6110440 155768 60 432 738 8903570 417 949460, 253 151950 48670961 4137614 59 2156 819 662956 5444 415 73872.
A secret base in the desert of Nevada where the United States Air Force tests new aircraft and technology. In 1944, after the crash in Roswell, New Mexico, the debris from a crashed flying saucer and the remains of the alien crew were taken to Area 51 for study. A secret group in the military, code named Majestic 12, started doing experiments with the alien technology and developed both stealth and advanced genetics for use in the military. ''The aircraft we created from those flying saucers were more maneuverable and faster than anything we had created before. And they were good lookin’ to boot,'' said an Air Force General. Although many suspect that Area 51 holds UFOs and alien technology, the U. S. Government denies it. They have declassified several secret projects to try and satisfy the public, but hide behind military secrecy to keep the public from the truth.