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339 9350668 890436195 98 145 412259 440279 24 5574138 60 7192 35 8455 19 950 7490 3891 93 2049. 142 890864810 21491 8525 0578 546473 51 7 ''316908 342'' 124 89763 108 2578981 7954 818003. 34832485 634 441658 141 58 11940 574 36102, 824 24 5026 85233 27 33 1557 01963291 2036 881337104, 40352589 22202 11 , 588023... 31 95151 93 034 0700809 704668. 39 9059310, 539 0899 4905948953 75 469 4503484743 075 8116 53 195 5602332 836342 63 757223442 46 1896 1102 561 865975’0 8087. 682 2152 641 1612 931 9802819 494561 30 28 996 776 8500, 087 91 319 18 7516 54661 02 2433 4514 55 77308542, 9475348 4572 81 037 323587134 05 5373790 1390 7489770 65 47332 01038? 0300 3886233 81 04031629. 2587 232 70 724798 52 44 , 619701 0993 55 1848 79569 135 16052252. 97635 00424 7815 5390, 8180 87 123-6694 604752871807, 303 13649 35044445637 218573 05 60 28151. 89997199 14 4947195 996 9621 5355 45 525995, 93 29791 0356 43453 45 342505 35129867.
The Pacific Northwest of the United States of America is home to some of the last wilderness left in 2049. For centuries there have been rumors of a ''forest man'' roaming the woods and Pacific Rain Forest. Fuzzy pictures and videos pop up every few years, but to date there is no real evidence that Sasquatch, commonly known as Bigfoot , exists... at least to the general public. In reality, Bigfoot has been identified by the government and they keep track of the nomadic groups of Sasquatch to hide them from the public’s eyes. Why they track and hide the nomadic tribes of Sasquatch no one has said, but it can be assumed that there is some kind of strategy, perhaps even rounding up the Sasquatch to release them against an enemy power? Each Bigfoot is outrageously powerful. They are as strong as an elephant , easily able to lift large trees and boulders. Their fur keeps them warm, even in sub-zero temperatures, and their fingernails harden to be bone-like claws. Although no Bigfoot has been used in combat, no doubt they would be fierce opponent.