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0 968548 17 919 123705 71 869602 24197 568 760929 629036 238 25740 54760 479 572 2167835649. 56 1944, 39116 130 68 4416928, 932 017788, 224 464483 0151 7 2376482 302676 546 263 5353967 80 197 69824 5765 4766 47078 83 4388 51 421 76691. 3 55654 11 774 62205053, 9837 28305 08948368 12, 5627959 15846 52439418139 3124 075 28167 8823396055 204 657801002 6193 678 23908199 68440816 776 804 68 304 75000765. ''465 78087423 64 8540759 2226 72065 1597436 8370 4293 693271988106 569 6870 07269358 03 046 2346213 954336. 517 3512 3444 9432 999640’ 98 3379,'' 4646 03 994 73731 2685378. 31240836 1750 2334763 2005 1318 51 21095 819 88351 6078048688, 936 6. 5. 3757799732 228534 14. 4562 9615 827823436768 6509684 127531 78 588 025 4657184 712 720229, 763 000986 14473359 4897309 93 2294 826 051507 5246 884 86237.
A secret base in the desert of Nevada where the United States Air Force tests new aircraft and technology. In 1944, after the crash in Roswell, New Mexico, the debris from a crashed flying saucer and the remains of the alien crew were taken to Area 51 for study. A secret group in the military, code named Majestic 12, started doing experiments with the alien technology and developed both stealth and advanced genetics for use in the military. ''The aircraft we created from those flying saucers were more maneuverable and faster than anything we had created before. And they were good lookin’ to boot,'' said an Air Force General. Although many suspect that Area 51 holds UFOs and alien technology, the U. S. Government denies it. They have declassified several secret projects to try and satisfy the public, but hide behind military secrecy to keep the public from the truth.