01643 8569382 90 7383723 8517 6896296176.
492 985 36
933 7962238248 7686332484 996652 47900 9885 1383075 41 93 3135 423 506185146 50 1309290572485665 1053 179 93 912 148322 950164913.
4348 421 107789478 59
, 7518181 3720 22998 178
, 418 450587 64 079161 0483 74645242.
28537 3342221 67 690
93 13345 6633 80534721684, 226 49841 84 09881648 829 2410989.
664 87 00654 917 2063763 93 395 517556 25514445 82 690 706.
4401 033
24 3868269 000466597897 964 1513 01 35276 53
23 0183 9909891 673971567 97965320510 5533 121 78 864314 80
95 902 441046.
83770 0254 30 038 0210 588
2666887, 57 2573 77 8320 0346681000 21051699 90 720 970 52 52276, 6540 375 192318347 1619084 54
699 920331296726 37 4630 201061013 15392130 37 6958 56002105 1349 9780 68 7933565212.
07 048732 941 705 98
15 3119 835131000 53 612 5823629310 2893 344 30840 10 970615 0862 697 2883’4
57822 8947098 1758 151 171301940 8534 5603 034 8874872 86 7824.
953 913 11 98289 4930 6379424450 3188779 915 457247227 48 2846 54586170 3314 01561
1423 473 18874 90623 03 68645 85508 272 32020 53 0485181.
0376 03673631 95 57 4145 35 0363278 455, 203 3333 88 73 96769 8970 1357938 732 43570956 174 974252 50082 330694 3428 68-824513 923566.
Often present in reports from UFOlogists.
The Men in
are supposedly government agents whose sole purpose is to keep the knowledge of extraterrestrial UFOs out of the public knowledge.
They are described as
, wearing dark suits and
, and having an eerily calm demeanor.
While stories of the
in Black seem frightening, the truth is actually far simpler.
Men in Black are members of the PsyOps division of the CIA.
They are
in counter intelligence and work in teams of
to help control sensitive information that may be leaked or
to the public.
While they do not have any
devices, as seen in some fictitious versions of the Men in Black, they are specially trained in
and intimidation to help encourage subjects to keep whatever they know to themselves.
Of course the Men in
do take advantage of the reputation that has grown up around them and aren’t
about leaning into the behaviors that they are rumored to have.
The Men in Black were originally trained and mobilized to help distract from alien
that was being found on Earth after the crash in Roswell.
They continue to be used in present day, but tend to do their work through the internet and social media rather than in-person visits.